Member Since: 2022

What has been your favorite role?
I got to be part of a one-year acting program with Neil Schell where one of our final projects was to put a short film together. Many of us were pretty new to the acting world, myself included. It was SO special to get to see all the ways that each of us had grown as a result of the study and work we had put in that year.

What do you do when you are not performing?

I love exploring the +15s downtown, trying to find the city’s best happy hour deal, and trips out to the mountains with friends. 

What organization / activity are you involved with or passionate about that people would find interesting? 

I’m currently rehearsing for a play that is highlighting a local boxing gym called the Grizzly Cage that offers boxing for people with Parkinson’s disease. Boxing helps with coordination, cognitive skills, and can slow the progression of Parkinson’s as well as keep symptoms at bay.

What Director would you like to work with?

John Lee Hancock. I feel like his style of storytelling challenges norms and stereotypes in a really compelling and memorable way.

What is your favorite movie and/or TV show?

As a child my favorite movie was A Sound of Music. I think I still know all the words to every song.

As a Performer, what is one thing you wish you would have known sooner? Playing a character is not so much about changing who you are, it’s more about finding where you and that character overlap.

Follow Brittany on her social media: