Member Since: 2017

What has been your favorite role?
I would have to say that my role as Teddy DaSilva from Tribal Season 2 is my favorite thus far. This guest star role in the TV series gave me the opportunity to explore different motivations in each scene we shot for the episode. Initially, my character was cocky and careless, guilt-tripping his friend into engaging in shady illegal activities, which eventually turned into a fear-driven escape from danger. As the story progresses, my character is forced to lie to the police about what happened. This was particularly challenging as an actor because we are trained to portray truth in our performances, but in this case, I was tasked with portraying lies as truth—something that sounds the same on paper but is quite different in practice.

What do you do when you are not performing?
I’m always performing, even in my job as a self-employed electrician. I own and operate a company called Empyreal Solar, where I specialize in off-grid electrical system design and installations. In this one-man show, I take on the roles of salesperson, technical specialist, accountant, web designer, marketing director, and hired grunt. Running my company since 2009 has given me the flexibility to schedule my days around acting and stunt gigs whenever possible.

What organization / activity are you involved with or passionate about that people would find interesting?
I’ve always had a passion for recording and producing music, having tinkered with it since I was 9 years old when I got my first electric keyboard for Christmas. Though I’ve never received any training, I’ve always had a natural ear for music and a little bit of talent. Over the years, through experimentation, I’ve managed to create some decent sounding tracks—whether through acoustic recording or electronic composition. Audio engineering has always fascinated me, and it seems there’s always more to learn, regardless of where my current knowledge stands.

What Director would you like to work with?
When asked about directors, the first name that comes to mind is Christopher Nolan. It would be an honor to work with him. The way he tells stories with immense depth and attention to detail places him at the top of my list. Not only does he strive to create immersive visual experiences, but his meticulous attention to audio in his projects can sometimes be underappreciated. Interstellar is a prime example of his masterful filmmaking, and I absolutely adore it!

What is your favorite movie and/or TV show?
This is one of the hardest questions people ask me because there are simply too many movies and TV shows that I love! I’m a big fan of action and adventure, as well as anything that will make me laugh my face off! I also enjoy thought-provoking dramas that inspire curiosity and reflection. Additionally, I’m a fan of tear-jerkers that make you experience all of the emotions—love, joy, betrayal, and sadness, just to name a few. These elements are what make movies and TV so important to me, and narrowing it down to one favorite is tough. However, if I had to pick one off the top of my head, Armageddon would be it. This movie has everything I love about films, and if you disagree, you’re simply wrong!

As a Performer, what is one thing you wish you would have known sooner?
One thing I wish I had known earlier in my pursuit of a career in movies and TV is how to find the right representation. When my interest in acting peaked at age 15, my parents supported me as much as they could to help me get my foot in the door. We started with an agency that seemed more focused on making money off us by charging for headshots and submissions, rather than actually finding me work. This demotivated me as I watched my parents continually write cheques with no results. I stopped trying, thinking this was just how the industry worked, until 20 years later when I became a little bit wiser, I found a legitimate agency that didn’t charge me anything and actually got me work. They only make money when I work! This was a concept I didn’t fully grasp until much later, and I hope aspiring talent today can learn this lesson earlier.


Facebook: CJ COLLARD
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