What has been your favorite role?My favourite role has probably been Zanya Kisaragi, a supporting lead on this card fight anime that I did back when I was 13.
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What has been your favorite role? I did an AT&T commercial about things you don’t want to be “Just Ok”, I played a Baking Vloger.
What has been your favorite role? The most recent, I play Phil Thundercloud on Tribal so I’m pretty focused on that. When/if the next thing comes then it’ll be that role.
What has been your favorite role? Ma Ma Oo is my favourite so far as I worked with a stellar
indigenous cast and crew and I owned the book since 2001.
What has been your favorite role? This is a hard pick so I apologize in advance but I picked 3:
What has been your favorite role? My favorite role has been Nigel in The Citadel Theatre’s production of Matilda: The Musical.