Please note you must have 15 vouchers from the 12-month period immediately preceding the day you are joining. 

Before submit your vouchers, please make sure:

  • All vouchers must be fully legible, we must be able to see the entire voucher. If any of the information on the voucher is not able to be read due to damage, getting wet, or being written on, it will not be counted.
  • Your vouchers must be in date order. That means the first voucher will be the oldest one in the 12-month period and the last voucher will be the most recent one.
  • If you have misplaced a voucher or have one that is too damaged to be accepted, we will accept a paystub or a report from a payroll service instead.
  • Do not submit duplicates. Please do not submit both a voucher and a paystub for the same day.
  • Separate vouchers for COVID testing or wardrobe only do not count as a day of work and will not be accepted.
  • Non-union vouchers will not be accepted.

Next, please complete this application form in advance.

Once you have filled out the form and your vouchers are organized and reviewed, please email Natalie Schopff with the following documents:

  • 15 valid vouchers (scan one page per image)
  • Filled out and signed application form
  • Proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status (driver’s licence, passport, or birth certificate)