Member Since: 2021

IMDb profile 

What has been your favorite role?

A crashed pilot for the WWII feature drama: “Thousand Yard Stare”. The role was a real challenge as I had to learn dialogue in a language I do not speak (German).

What do you do when you are not performing?

I enjoy spending time on set in any capacity and do so as often as I can. As a side-gig, I am a freelance translator/interpreter (Spanish and Russian), remote administrative assistant, and consultant on setting up remote work teams.

What organization / activity are you involved with or passionate about that people would find interesting?

Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter is an amazing organization that provides support to individuals and families that strive to live free from family violence and abuse and they always have opportunities to donate and volunteer.

What Director would you like to work with?

Sandi Somers, Mike Peterson, Matt Watterworth, and Troy Ruptash. Would love to create something memorable with all of these directors.

What is your favorite movie and/or TV show?

Most 80s action blockbusters, anything by David Fincher, Shameless (US), and The Sopranos.

As a Performer, what is one thing you wish you would have known sooner?

Performing is similar to being an athlete; it requires daily practice and constant training with coaches.

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